Seeking chiropractic care regularly not only improves the health of your back, but your body as a whole.
In many cases, regular chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Vollrath can help you avoid back surgery and stay out of the surgeon's office. While degenerative diseases and unavoidable accidents can happen to anyone, surgery becomes the only option in those cases.
However, Chiropractic care can still help you to recover faster and make your body stronger. Here's how:
Relax Muscles: Many of us hold tension in our back muscles when under stress and getting back surgery tops the stress scale. Chiropractic treatment can help your muscles relax and alleviate some of your pain. Your ability to move may progress much faster after your back surgery than if you hadn't gone to see a chiropractor.
Realign Vertebrae: Misalignment of the vertebrae is a common side effect of surgery. Side effects can include pain, lethargy, and mood changes. Dr. Vollrath can realign the vertebrae that may have shifted during your surgery to enhance your body's ability to heal itself.
Increase Circulation: Tense muscles and misaligned vertebrae can reduce circulation around the tissues, nerves, and vessels in the back. Decreased circulation can make it more difficult for your body to get what it needs to heal. Regular chiropractic care can result in better circulation, ensuring that your body gets the blood, oxygen, and nutrients it needs.
Improve Nervous System Communication: Your nervous system is essential for the body to function correctly. The nervous system helps the brain communicate with every cell in your body by directing what needs to happen.
A pinched nerve can cause extreme pain or numbness in the limb, resulting in your body not being able to function correctly. With the help of chiropractic care, communication can be re-established within your nervous system. This communication allows your brain and body to start working together again to heal you.
Provide Exercises to Increase Strength: The work of Dr. Vollrath has gone far beyond the office. He advises you on how to improve your posture and changes in lifestyle for overall health. In addition, Dr. Vollrath can recommend some exercises you can do at home to help improve the strength of your core muscles and back. By consistently doing these exercises, your back strength will return quicker and making it less likely to re-injury in the future.
Ask Dr. Vollrath about what's best for your body. He will evaluate you to determine the best course of treatment for your specific issues. Contact us today!