Christmas time is upon us once again. While this season is known for happiness and joy, it is indeed a busy time of year. The stress of managing the expectations involved and the hustle and bustle required, can definitely take a toll on a body.
The body operates like a vehicle. If the vehicle is pushed to its’ limits for extended periods of time, the vehicle will start to show signs of wear and tear resulting in a break down.
In times of stress, the body’s nervous system begins to trigger the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol into the blood stream. These hormones prepare your body for a fight or flight response. Like the vehicle analogy used above, your body begins to go into a state of overdrive, and this results in increased tension of the musculoskeletal (MSK) system.
The muscles and joints of the spine can be heavily affected by stress. It’s in times of extreme physical or emotional stress that the symptoms of joint problems are made more apparent.
The physical symptoms of stress are muscle tension and/or pain in the shoulders and upper and /or lower back. Tension in the upper neck muscles and joints can lead to headaches as well.
The tension and pain are caused by a compression of the joint which can be easily alleviated via a simple adjustment by a Chiropractor. By decreasing the pressure in the joint, the range of motion is increased, and any tension or pain caused by the joint compression is eradicated. The muscles around the joint move more freely when the restriction is eliminated. The result is an increased state of relaxation in the surrounding tissues.
Simple adjustments are a great way to relieve those crippling tension headaches brought on by stress. Tension headaches are treated by the adjustment of the upper two cervical vertebrae along with adjustments to the junction between the cervical and thoracic spine.
Following the stress reducing adjustments, your Chiropractor reinstates the natural flow of the nervous system resulting in improved function of the many organ systems throughout the body.
If the stress – be it good or bad – is taking a toll on your body this holiday season, the team of Chiropractors at Core Chiropractic Center are here to help.